Market Is Good, If Marketing Is Good.

3 min readJun 27, 2020

Proverb №2

Proverb №3

These are some of the most common dialogues we have been hearing, which are on the cusp of becoming ‘Proverbs.’ And if not kept under check, they might even penetrate the most vulnerable school textbooks.

For an Economist, the recession is the situation wherein people recall his existence. No offense to highly qualified yet unrecognized and barely qualified but thrust on us as economics pundits.

For a Businessman, the recession is the absence of sales and collection. For them, the entire economic situation is summarised in the above ‘3 Proverbs.’

For Students, starting from high school to Post Graduates, the recession is a subject consisting of complex definitions, intricate diagrams, endless tables, and volumes of text that they might never use again in their life.

And therefore, Market Is Good If Marketing Is Good’.

A good marketeer thrives in the worst market conditions. A good marketeer never misses his focus on reluctant customer’s minds and pockets. His only aim is to re-ignite the passion for his product in the heart of the customer and to do so, he keeps on re-inventing himself. Therefore, the very nature of Marketing is fluid and dynamic.

Marketing is like Belly Dance. The basic structure remains still and firms while the body parts move according to the music.

Fundamentals of Marketing remain the same. However, the components of Marketing will keep adapting to the changes in the preferences of customers.

Most Marketing manuals explain these 5 Ps in an ideal market situation. The textbook on marketing management is as glamorous as a celebrity in front of the camera but the reality might be completely different.

Now let us face the reality.

We are in the midst of those ‘3 There’s no customer in sight for miles. Therefore, obviously, no money in the cash box. And we all know that ONLY & ONLY a can bring in the money. And ONLY & ONLY can bring back the customer even on ‘Bad Days’.

Just like a young lady who uses every trick to attract a handsome man or vice versa, a product uses all the tricks to catch the attention of the customer. The basic specifications of the product do not change. The difference is the same as that of the appearance of a boy or girl on a and on a. Passion re-ignited. Couldn’t have made it simpler.

Good days, good price. Bad days, not a bad price. But bad can make way for. To the passion in the hearts of the ‘acting too pricey’ customer, the price should be like a mini skirt. Long enough to cover the costs and short enough to arouse customer’s interest. Sorry if I sound naughty.

Many marketers create commotion instead of promotion during bad days. And many marketers go silent as if they are mourning. Bad days call for smart promotions. Marketing books do not tell you about Carpet Bombing, Cluster Bombing, Surgical Strike, Bouquet Marketing, etc. Well, wooing an ‘acting too pricey’ lady, needs a lot of creativity. Scratch your brain. Best of luck.

Who would want to take his lady love on a date to a stinky place? Spruce up. Deck up. Clean up. Let the fragrance reach the doors of ‘acting too pricey’ customers.

I must tell you, no matter how well you re-visit the other 4 Ps, employees can bring everything to naught. An ill-trained, demotivated, and unsettled workforce is the biggest liability on the balance sheet. And they can prolong ‘Market Kharaab Hai’ days.

In 1989, I saw a signboard in Johnson & Johnson which read, Employees Are Our Best Available Resources. Mind you, during bad days, from, everyone is a.

Same 5 Ps but differently treated.

Originally published at on June 27, 2020.




Real Estate Marketing Maven, Trainer, Blogger, Motivational Speaker,Career Counselor. 21 years of real estate industry experience.